Arun Gupta

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

PowerShell Means Automation

PowerShell is an automation platform and scripting language developed by Microsoft for simplifying and automating the management of Windows and Windows Server systems. PowerShell users can access PowerShell through a command-line shell or the PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (PowerShell ISE).
  • Task automation framework
  • Command line shell
  • Scripting language
  • .Net framework
  • Both local and remote
  • Access to com and WMI
 cmdlet:-  Heart of PowerShell cmdlet is a lightweight command that is used in the Windows PowerShell environment.
Access the Command-Line Interface :-
  1. Click on Windows Power Screen from the Start screen or task bar.
  1. Run PowerShell as an administrator:
  1. Right-click Windows PowerShell in the Start screen or task bar.
  1. Click Run as Administrator.
Main Command:-

For example:-If you want to know how the Get-Process command works, you can type:Get-Help -Name Get-Process  or  Get-Help -Name Get-*

 2. Set-ExecutionPolicy 
For example:- If you wanted to allow scripts to run in an unrestricted manner you could type:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted 

3. Get-ExecutionPolicy
For example:- execution policy is in use before you attempt to run a script.

4. Get-Service
For example:-Windows will show you the service's state. 
Get-Service | where  (All running service) Get-Service | where  {$-.status -eq 'running'

5. Select-Object
For example:- Get-Service | Select-Object Name, Status | Export-CSV c:\arun.csv 

6. Get-Process
For example:- Get-Process command to display a list of all of the processes that are currently running on the system.
Get-Process  (display  all running process)Get-Process  s* (start with s)

7. Stop-Process

For example:-  you could terminate Notepad by using one of the following commands:Stop-Process - Name notepad | stop (stop notepad)Stop-Process -ID 2684 

8. Export-CSV
For example:- Get-Service | Export-CSV c:\arun.csv 

9. ConvertTo-HTML
For example:-  Get-Service | ConvertTo-HTML -Property Name, Status > C:\arun.htm 

10. Get-EventLog 
For example:-  to see the Application log, you could use the following command:
Get-EventLog -LogName 'DNS server' Get-EventLog -LogName 'DNS server'  -After "4/8/18"

Windows PowerShell Pipeline(|):-

  • Pipeline provides a way for us to filter out every things.
  • Separator of two command (get-services and where -object) filtering ,grouping ,shorting etc.
  • Pipe and is the character above the backslash on your keyboard.
  • Pipeline Symbol (|) or (¦)

For example 1:-
Get-Process notepad | Stop-Process

For example 2:-

get-process chrome | format-list

Benefit of being Object Oriented:-Object Oriented Programming has great advantages over other programming styles:

Code Reuse and Recycling: - Objects created for Object Oriented Programs can easily be reused in other programs

Encapsulation -Part 1:- Once an Object is created, knowledge of its implementation is not necessary for its use. In older programs, coders needed understand the details of a piece of code before using it (in this or another program).

Encapsulation -part 2:- Objects have the ability to hide certain parts of themselves from programmers. This prevents programmers from tampering with values they shouldn't. Additionally, the object controls how one interacts with it, preventing other kinds of errors. For example, a programmer (or another program) cannot set the width of a window to -400.

Design Benefits: - Large programs are very difficult to write. Object Oriented Programs force designers to go through an extensive planning phase, which makes for better designs with less flaws. In addition, once a program reaches a certain size, Object Oriented Programs are actually easier to program than non-Object oriented ones.

Software Maintenance: - 
Programs are not disposable. Legacy code must be dealt with on a daily basis, either to be improved upon (for a new version of an exist piece of software) or made to work with newer computers and software. An Object Oriented Program is much easier to modify and maintain than a non-Object Oriented Program. So although a lot of work is spent before the program is written, less work is needed to maintain it over time.

Display Features and Roles through Windows server in PowerShell :-

Get-WindowsFeature :-Display a list of the  features and roles  on our server.

Syntax:- Get-WindowsFeature

Syntax:-Get-WindowsFeature | where {$_.InstallState -eq "Installed"}

For example: Get-WindowsFeature -ComputerName Server123 | Where Installed  (Display a list of features that is installed on a specified server, Server123.)

Get-WindowsFeature -ComputerName Server123 | Where InstallState -Eq Removed (Display a list of features on a specified server, Server123, that have installation files removed from the local side-by-side store)


Syntax:Install-WindowsFeature -Name <feature_name> -computerName <computer_name> -Restart


Install-WindowsFeature -Name <feature_name> -VHD <path> -computerName <computer_name> -Restart

For example:Install-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Core -Source E:\Sources\AxA


Syntax:Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name <feature_name> -computerName <computer_name> -Restart


Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name <feature_name> -VHD <path> -computerName <computer_name> -Restart

For example:-Uninstall-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server -ComputerName Server123 -Credential contoso\user123

Power of Variables in Windows PowerShell:-

variable names always start with a dollar sign ($) and can contain a mix of letters, numbers, symbols, or even spaces (though if you use spaces, you need to enclose the variable in braces, such as ${My Variable} = ""). 

Syntax:- $var = ""

Assigning and Referencing PowerShell Variables:-

 Built-In PowerShell Variables:-

 Syntax:Get-Variable | Format-Table name, value -auto

The current pipeline object; used in script blocks, filters, the process clause of functions, where-object, for each-object and switch
contains the first token of the last line input into the shell
contains the last token of last line input into the shell
Contains the success/fail status of the last statement
Used in creating functions that require parameters
Environmental Path to files.
If an error occurred, the object is saved in the $error PowerShell variable
Refers to the enumerator in a foreach loop.
The user's home directory; set to %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%
Input piped to a function or code block
A hash table consisting of items found by the -Match operator.
Information about the currently script or command-line
Information about the currently executing host
The exit code of the last native application to run
Chech the version of PowerShell
Boolean TRUE
Boolean FALSE
A null object
List unsupported commands
Output Field Separator, used when converting an array to a string.
By default, this is set to the space character.
The identifier for the shell.  This value is used by the shell to determine the Execution Policy and what profiles are run at startup.
contains detailed stack trace information about the last error

Types of variables in Windows PowerShell:-

Syntax:-Get-Help about_Variable

  •  about_Automatic_Variables
  •  about_Environment_Variables
  •  about_Preference_Variables
  •  about_scopes

Working with Variables:-

1. Display installed Antivirus Name in PowerShell
                $Antivirus_test  = "SELECT * FROM AntiVirusProduct"
                $Win_Antivirus_Test = gwmi -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Query $Antivirus_test  @psboundparameters
                write-host $Win_Antivirus_Test.displayname
Result: - Norton Internet Security

2. Display UAC status in PowerShell
                $REG_UAC = gp -path registry::"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"
                $UAC_State = $REG_UAC.EnableLUA
                If ($UAC_State -eq "0")
                write-host "Disbaled" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
                write-host "Enabled" -foregroundcolor "green"
Result :- Enabled

3. Display default printer in PowerShell
                $Win32_Printer = gwmi -Query " SELECT * FROM Win32_Printer WHERE Default=$true"
                write-host $
Result: -PR00165777
4. Display installed language packs in PowerShell
                $Win32_OperatingSystem = gwmi Win32_OperatingSystem
                write-host $Win32_OperatingSystem.MUILanguages
  Result: -  en-US 

1.     5.Display Windows defender status in PowerShell
                $Test_Win_Defender = Get-Service -DisplayName 'Windows Defender'
                If ($Test_Win_Defender.Status -eq "Stopped")
                write-host "Disbaled" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
                write-host "Enabled" -foregroundcolor "green"
Result :- Enabled

6. Display Firewall status in PowerShell
                $Firewall_state = $REG_Firewall.EnableFirewall
                If ($Firewall_state -eq "0")
                write-host "Disbaled" -foregroundcolor "yellow"
                write-host "Enabled" -foregroundcolor "green"
Result :- Enabled

7. Display installed RAM in PowerShell
                $Win32_ComputerSystem = gwmi Win32_ComputerSystem
                $Memory_RAM = [Math]::Round(($Win32_ComputerSystem.TotalPhysicalMemory/ 1GB),1)
                write-host $Memory_RAM + "GB"
Result: -3.8 + GB

8. List of Hard drive in PowerShell
                $Win32_LogicalDisk = get-wmiobject Win32_LogicalDisk | where {$_.DriveType -eq "3"}
                #--------------- Disk informations : deviceid, totalsize; freespace #---------------
                ForEach ($disk in $Win32_LogicalDisk) ### Enum Disk
                $Total_size = [Math]::Round(($disk.size/1GB),1)
                $Free_size = [Math]::Round(($disk.Freespace/1GB),1)
                $Disk_information =  $Disk_information + "(" + $disk.deviceid + ") " + $Total_size + " GB Total / " +  + $Free_size + " GB Free `n"
Result: - (C:) 48.7 GB Total / 6.4 GB Free 
              (D:) 97.7 GB Total / 45.8 GB Free 
               (E:) 86.4 GB Total / 33.1 GB Free 

9. Display the current Time zone in PowerShell
                $Win32_TimeZone = gwmi Win32_TimeZone
                write-host $Win32_TimeZone.Caption
Result: - (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi

10. Display Internet Explorer version in PowerShell
Syntax :-
                $REG_IE = gp -path registry::"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer"
                $IE_Ver= $REG_IE.svcUpdateVersion + " (" + $REG_IE.svcKBNumber + ")"
                write-host $IE_Ver
Result: -11.0.90 (KB4462949)

11. Display the SCCM site code in PowerShell
                $REG_SCCM = get-itemproperty -path registry::"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\Mobile Client"
                write-host $REG_SCCM.AssignedSiteCode
Result: -SD1