Arun Gupta

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Python Means ABC Language

  Python is a general purpose high level programming language and    dynamically type programming language.Most easiest programming language.  

 First language :-

>>>print ("hello word" )  
hello word
>>> a, b=10,20  
>>> print(a+b)            
>>> type(a)

When we can use python:-

  • Desktop Application
  • Web Application
  • Database Application                                           
  • Network Application
  • Games
  • Data Analysis
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence
  •  Internet of Things (IoT) Application 
  • Google (YouTube)
  • Facebook (Tornado)  
  • Dropbox.
  • Yahoo.
  • NASA.
  • IBM.
  • Mozilla.
  • Simple and easy to learn
  • Free ware and open source
  • High level programming language
  • Platform Independent(write One and run any where)
  • Portability
  • Dynamically Type
  • Both procedure oriented and Object oriented
  • Interpreted
  • Extensible
  • Embedded
  • Extensive Library
Flavors of the Python programming language:-

  • Cpython ( For C language)                   
  • Jpython ( For Java Platform )
  • IronPython ( for C#,.net Platform )
  • Pypy (Just-in-time compilation )
  • RubyPython (for Ruby Platform )
  • Anaconda Python ( For Big data)
Rules to define identifiers in python:-

1.Alphabet systems (uppercase (A to Z) and lowercase (a to z) )

           digits (0 to 9) or an underscore (_)

      For example:-Cash=20 allow
                              C@sh=20 not allow

2.Identifier  show not starts with digit

For example:- total12=20
                       12total=20 not valid

3.Identifier  are case sensitive 

For example:- total=20

4.Max length of python identifiers  No length of python identifiers (no limit)

For example:-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=10

  1. (_) Private (Start with Underscore)
  2. (__) Strangle private (Two under score)
  3. (____)  Main(social variable in create python)

Reserved words:- ( 33  Keywords )

>>> import keyword

>>> keyword.kwlist

['False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']


Note:- Only alphabet symbols start capital latter (True,False, None) except  three all lowercase.

Data Types:- 14 Types)

 1 .int
For example:-   x = 10

2. float  
For example:-  x = 45.67  

3. complex
 For example:-  x = 3.14J

4. bool
 For example:- True or False
True+ True=2; False+True=1; True/True=1;  True/False=Error

5. String :- uses single quotes ' double quotes " and triple quotes """ to denote literal strings.

For example:- firstName = 'Arun'        lastName = "Gupta"
message = """Multi line string literals"""

6. List:-A list can contain a series of values. List variables are declared by using brackets [ ]

  • General purpose
  • Most widely used data structure
  • Useful for variable data

For example:-
X = [ ] # This is a blank list variable
Y = [1, 2, 3, 4] # this list creates an initial list of 4 numbers.
Z = [2, 4, 'Arun'] # lists can contain different variable types.

7. Tuple:-The fixed size is considered immutable as compared to a list that is dynamic and mutable. Tuples are defined by parenthesis ().

  • Immutable(can't add/change)
  • Useful for fixed data
  • Faster than lists

For example:-
xyz = ('Arun', 'Gupta', 'baraunsa', 'sultanpur')

Note:-   Advantages and Disadvantages depends upon the use. If you have such a data which you never want to change then you should have to use tuple, otherwise list is the best option.

8. Dictionary:-Its  are lists of Key:Value pairs and created by using braces ({})  with pairs separated by a comma (,) and the key values associated with a colon(:).
For example:-

xyz = {'Arun': 200, 'Gupta': 100}

9. Bytearray:-
For example:-

10. Range:- range data type represent a sequence of value immutable.

For example:- r=range(10) it represents value 0 to 9
>>>range(10,20,2) ==>  increment of 2==>10,12,14..

11. Set:-Moreover, no duplicate elements can be present.
For example:-

12. Frozenset:-

For example:-

13. None:-

For example:-

14. Bytes:-

For example:-

Note:-  long :-python 3 not available

 Slice Operator:- Extracts elements, based on a begin and end.

  • Begin- starting integer where the slicing of the object starts
  • End - integer until which the slicing takes place. The slicing stops at index end - 1.
  • Step - integer value which determines the increment between each index for slicing

 S[begin:end] S[begin : end :step]
 For example: - S= “arungupta”
S[1:5]==> 1to 4==> ‘ rung’
S[1:5:2]==> ‘rn’

Most important loops and control Statements in python:-

Selection Statements:- Selection statement provides the means of choosing between two or more paths of execution.

  • If
  • If ..else
  • If..elif…else

For example :- 

if n1>n2 and n1>n3
Print (“”)

elif n2>n3:
Print (“”)
Print (“”)

Repetition Statements:-The repeated execution of a statement or compound statement is accomplished either by iteration or recursion. 
  •  while loop:-Repeat things till the given number of times.

For example 1 :- x=1
While x<=1

For example 2:- x=0
While true:
  • for loop:-Repeat things until the loop condition is true.
For example :-For each element in sequence:
Do some action
S= “arungupta”  
        For x in s:  

Transfer statements:-

Break:-Base on some condition if we want to break look execution.

For example :-WAP to  prints current latter
for letter in 'arunguptapython': 
# break the loop as soon it sees 'a'  or 'n'
if letter == 'a' or letter == 'n':
print 'Current Letter :', letter

Result:-Current Letter : a

Continue:-Base on some condition if we want to continue look execution.

For example :-WAP to  prints all letters except 'a' and 'n'
for letter in 'arunguptapython': 
    if letter == 'a' or letter == 'n':
    print 'Current Letter :', letter
    var = 10
Current Letter : r
Current Letter : u
Current Letter : g
Current Letter : u
Current Letter : p
Current Letter : t
Current Letter : p
Current Letter : y
Current Letter : t
Current Letter : h
Current Letter : o

Pass:-pass is a keyword in python
it is an empty statement.
it is null statement.
it won't do anythings.

if True:
Result:- No Output

if True:pass

For example :- WAP to  prints last letter.
for letter in 'arunguptapython':pass
print 'Last Letter :', letter

Last Letter : n

Iterators, Iterables, Generators, Containers, Decorators and Closures in Python:-

Iterators:-It is create our own iter() and next() methods and  only one element is stored in the memory at a time.For example, an odd number iterator currently at 3 returns the next odd number of 5. 
For example:-

Iterables :-An iterable is any object, not necessarily a data structure, that can return an iterator

For example:-

Here, x is the iterable, while y and z are two individual instances of an iterator.

Generators:- It is a sequence of values and generator in python makes use of the ‘yield’ keyword.
We can say every generator is an iterator in python, not every python iterator is a generator.

def even(y): 
           if y%2==0: 
                 yield y
for j in even(8):

Two types of Generators :-

 Generator functions:-It is any function in which the keyword yield appears in its body.

Generator expressions:-it is equivalent to list comprehension.
For example:-


 sum([y*y for y in range(1,10)])

Containers:-Containers are data structures holding elements.They are data structures that live in memory, and typically hold all their values in memory.

For examples:-

  • list, deque
  • set, frozensets.
  • dict, defaultdict, OrderedDict, Counter.
  • tuple, namedtuple.
  • str

Decorators:-It is way to dynamically add some new behavior to some objects

For example:-
>>> def my_deco(func):
...     def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
...         print("Before")
...         result = func(*args, **kwargs)
...         print("After")
...         return result
...     return wrapper
>>> @my_deco
... def add(a, b):
...     "Our add function"
...     return a + b
>>> add(1, 3)
Closures:-It is nothing but functions that are returned by another function. We use closures to remove code duplication. 
For example:-
>>> def add_number(num):
...     def adder(number):
...         'adder is a closure'
...         return num + number
...     return adder
>>> a_10 = add_number(10)
>>> a_10(21)
>>> a_10(34)
>>> a_5 = add_number(5)
>>> a_5(3)


Importance of functions in Python:-
  • Reduce the length of code and improve readability.
  • Very complex problem we can solve very easily.
  • Pass function argument another function in python.
  • Reducing duplication of code and Information hiding in python
  • Decomposing complex problems into simpler pieces
  • Improving clarity of the code and reuse of code in python
  • Function can pass parameter and return value  in python
  • Return multiple value(used tuple)
  • Default return value is none.
  • Function is start by the "def " statement followed by the function name and parentheses ( () )
  • The code within every function begin with a colon (:) and should be indented (space)

 Important Parameters Types in Python:-

 Default Arguments :- default return value is none.
The default value is assigned by using assignment (=) operator.
 The default argument is passed automatically and appears in the output of the function call.

OUTPUT:- Arun  welcome to here!
Keyword Arguments :- When invoking a function, inside the parentheses there are always 0 or more values, separated by commas.

here a="b" , c=11 keyword parameter and a="arun", c=10 are keyword

Positional Arguments:- A positional argument is any argument that's not supplied as a key=value pair.

because first we a will get value 1 and then we are treating it as keyword argument and providing extra value which is 3 now a have two values
a=1 which is positional value
a=3 which is keyword value

Variable Arguments:-
*args and **kwargs in Python
We use *args and **kwargs as an argument when we are unsure about the number of arguments to pass in the functions.
1.*args (Non Keyword Arguments):- Passes variable length non keyword argument to function using *args.
  • *args passes variable number of non-key word arguments list and on which operation of the list can be performed.
For example:-

Sum: 17
Sum: 17
Sum: 35
  1. **kwargs (Keyword Arguments):- Passes variable length non keyword argument to function using *args but we cannot use this to pass keyword argument. For this problem Python has got a solution called **kwargs, it allows us to pass the variable length of keyword arguments to the function.
  • **kwargs passes variable number of keyword arguments dictionary to function on which operation of a dictionary can be performed.
For example:-


More example:-


Most Important Functions in Python:-

Built-in Function:-
abs()   all()    any()  basestring()   bin()   bool()
bytearray()    callable()       chr()   classmethod() cmp()  compile()
complex()      delattr()        dict()   dir()    divmod()       enumerate()
eval()  exec() execfile()       file()   filter() float()
format()        frozenset()    getattr()
User-defined Function:-User-defined function are reusable code blocks; they only need to be written once, then they can be used multiple times. They can even be used in other applications, too.
def userDefFunction (arg1, arg2, arg3 ...):
    program statement1
    program statement3
    program statement3
Recursive Function:-A function that call itself recursive function
  factorial (n)=n* factorial (n-1)
For example:-
  factorial (3)=3* factorial (2)

The termination condition: n == 0
The reduction step where the function calls itself with a smaller number each time: factorial (n - 1)


Lambda Expression Function:-
syntax for lambda:- lambda <args>: <expression>

Multiple things inside a lambda:-

Filter():-filter function check same filter
Syntax:- filter(function, Sequence)

[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
Map():- Pass multiple iterables to the map function like list, dictionary, etc.
Syntax:- map(function, iterable1, iterable2, iterable3...)

[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22]

Reduce():-It used a rolling computation to sequential pairs of values in a list. It returns a single value.
Syntax:- reduce(function, Sequence)


 Anonymous Function:-Without nameless function call anonymous function.
Syntax:- lambda arguments : expression


Nested functions:-One function to call another function in same function.
Write one used multiple time.
 def outerfunctin(x):
     def innerfunction():

the sum: 30
the average: 15.0
the sum: 50
the average: 25.0

Decorators function:-New functionality look existing functions is already there.

hi Gupta good morning

Variables in Python:- variable is a reserved memory location to store values.
Local Variables:- you want to use the variable in a specific function or method, you use a local variable.
Global  Variables:- you want to use the same variable for rest of your program or module you declare it a global variable
For Example:-


module :-
  • A group of functions and variables saved to a file.
  • Code reusability.
  • Length of the code will be reduced and readability maintainability.

Syntax:- Import module 1
Import module 1, module 2, module 3
Import  module 1 as m1  (aliasing modules)

Reloading a module:-module loaded only  one time.

Finding member of a module by using dir() function
dir():-current module member

['BPF', 'LOG4', 'NV_MAGICCONST', 'RECIP_BPF', 'Random',
'SG_MAGICCONST', 'SystemRandom', 'TWOPI', 'WichmannHill',
'_BuiltinMethodType', '_MethodType', '__all__',
'__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__',
'__package__', '_acos', '_ceil', '_cos', '_e', '_exp',
'_hashlib', '_hexlify', '_inst', '_log', '_pi', '_random',
'_sin', '_sqrt', '_test', '_test_generator', '_urandom',
'_warn', 'betavariate', 'choice', 'division',
'expovariate', 'gammavariate', 'gauss', 'getrandbits',
'getstate', 'jumpahead', 'lognormvariate', 'normalvariate',
'paretovariate', 'randint', 'random', 'randrange',
'sample', 'seed', 'setstate', 'shuffle', 'triangular',
'uniform', 'vonmisesvariate', 'weibullvariate']

Working with math module:-
 Define several functions for math operation


Random module:-
random() :-between 0 and 1 (not inclusive)
randint():-randint(1,100) (inclusive)
For example:-


syntax:-uniform (x,y)

For example:-

from random import *

for i in range (20):


randrange (start , stop, step):-start <= x < stop
randrange (10) generate a number from 0 to 9
randrange (1,11) generate a number from 1 to 10
randrange (1,11,2) generate a number (1,3,5,7,9)

Installing Modules:- pip install numpy

Exceptions Handling in Python -try..except.. else.. finally:-

try :- Enters at the top and continues through the block

except :- Jump to there is an exception is thrown

else:- Run after the try block completes without exception thrown

finally :- Always run after the other blocks have completed

  • try block compulsory  we should write either except or finally block.
  • except without try is invalid.
  • finally without try is invalid
  • we can take multiple except blocks for the same try but we cannot take multiple .
  • else without except is invalid.
  • try.. except.. else ...finally order is important.
  • Nesting of try...except... else... finally is passable.
  • Try without except or finally is always invalid.
  • Without  try except is always invalid.


Risky code


Will be executed if exception in try


Will be executed if no exception in try


Will be executed always whether exception raised or not raised and handled or not handled.

Invalid  and valid












print("finally 1")
print("finally 2")






print("except 1")










Predefined exception (Inbuilt exception):- The exception which is raised automatically by python whenever a particular event occurs.

For example:-
Print (10/0) zero division error
x=int ("ten") value error

User defined exception (Customized exception):-

For example:-Invalid coupon code exception
def recharge(number):
if number is not valid:

raise invalid coupon code exception

Pickling and unpickling in Python (serialization, marshalling, or flattening):-

Pickling:- It is the process whereby a Python object hierarchy is converted into a byte stream.
  • Pickling is just serialization
  • Pickling in python refers to the process of serializing objects into binary streams.
  • convert the relevant state from a python object into a string.
  • Pickling is a way to convert a python object (list, dict, etc.) into a character stream.
  • pickle module has an optimized cousin called the cPickle module
  • pickle has two main methods. The first one is dump, which dumps an object to a file object and the second one is load, which loads an object from a file object.

Syntax:- Pickle: Pickle.dump (object,file)

 Unpickling:- It is the inverse operation, whereby a byte stream is converted back into an object hierarchy.
  • Unpickling is the inverse of Pickling.
  • convert the string to a live object.
  • Unpickling is just deserialise

Syntax:-Unpickling: Pickle.load (file)

 We use -import pickle

For example:-
import Pickle
class emp:
def __init__(self,empid,empname):
         self.empid=empid                            #constructor
def display(self):
with open (“emp.dat”, “wb”) as f:
           e=emp (100, ’pyarungupta’)              
            pickle.dump(e,f)                               #  Pickling
            print(“pickling of employee”)
 with open (“emp.dat”,”rb”) as f:
      obj.pickle.load(f)                                    # Unpickling
   print(“emp info after unpickling”)


Simply put, anywhere you need to check if a string matches or sequence of character(s) a certain pattern and maybe extract certain information from that pattern.

  • Data validation (such as email address or password, Mobile Number)
  • Text search
  • Pattern Matching
  • Search a string (search and match)
  • Finding a string (findall)
  • Break string into a sub strings (split)
  • Replace part of a string (sub)

re module:-regular expressions (Regex) are supported by the re module

[abc]:- Match either a or b or c.

[^abc]:- Match except a and b and c.

[a-z]:-Match any lowercase alphabet symbols.

[A-Z]:-Match any uppercase alphabet symbols.

[0-9]:- Match any digit; same as [0123456789].

[a-zA-Z0-9]:-Match any of the above

\s:-Match space character

\S:-Match except space character

\d:-Match [0-9] any digit

\D:-Match except digit

\w:-Match any word character (alphanumeric character [a-zA-Z0-9])

\W:-Match any word character except word (Special character [^a-zA-Z0-9])

. :- Match every character  except newline

  1. match (pattern, string)
  2. full match(pattern, string)
  3. searchpattern, string()
  4. findall(pattern, string)
  5. finditer()
  6. split(pattern, string, [maxsplit=0])
  7. sub(pattern, repl, string)
  8. subn(pattern, repl, string)
  9. compile(pattern, repl, string)
  10. escape(string)

Let’s look at them one by one.

match ():- Finds match if it occurs at start of the string.
checks for a match only at the beginning of the string.
match is much faster than search

Syntax:-re.match(pattern, string)

For example:-

fullmatch():-Match whole string in the regular expression pattern.

Syntax:-re.fullmatch(pattern, string)

For example:-

search():- matches the first instance of a pattern in a string, and returns it as a re match object.
checks for a match anywhere in the string

Syntax:-re. search (pattern, string)

For example:-

findall():-  matches all instances of a pattern in a string and returns them in a list,
Syntax:-re. findall (pattern, string)

For example:-

finditer():-its return an iterator yielding match objects over all non-overlapping matches for the RE pattern in string.

Syntax:-re. finditer (pattern, string)

For example:-

split():-Split string by the occurrences of a character or a pattern.

Syntax:-re. split (pattern, string, [maxsplit=0])

For example:-

sub():-search a pattern and replace with a new sub string(Substitution and replacement)
Syntax:-re. sub (pattern, repl, string )

re.sub(regex,replacement,target of string)

For example:-

subn():- Number of replacement happened.

Syntax:-re. subn (pattern, repl, string )

t=re.subn(regex,replacement,target of string)
subn() is similar to sub() in all ways, except in its way to providing output. It returns a tuple with count of total of replacement 
tuple(result string,number of replacement)

For example:-

compile():- Regex  are compiled into pattern objects, which have methods for various operations such as searching for pattern matches or performing string substitutions
Syntax:- re. compile (pattern, repl, string)

For example:-

escape():-Its return string with all non-alpha numeric back slashed.

Syntax:- re.escape(string)

For example:-

Python Database Programming (PDB):- it’s very common requirement to save data for the future purpose.

Temporary storage areas:-PVM (python virtual memory)

For Example:- list, tuple, dict.Etc

Permanent storage areas:-

File System:- Best suitable to store very less amount of info

For Example:-Excel, access

  • Huge data
  • No query language support
  • Security
  • Prevent duplicate data
  • Data consistency problem

Then go for next database……………
  • We can store huge amount of info
  • Query language support
  • Security is more
  • Table duplication

  • Cannot hold very huge amount of info like tera bytes of data.
  • Structured data but not for unstructured and semi structured data (XML, Network logs)

Advanced data storage technologies ---Hadoop Big data

Python database Communication(PDBC):-

Standard step to communication with database
1.Import that database specific module

             import pyodbc

2. Establish connection between python program and database

            cnxn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};'   'Server=.;'  'Database=IFRACAS;'   'Trusted_Connection=yes;')

3.Cursor object

              cursor = cnxn.cursor()

4.Execute our SQL query

                 cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM pyarungupta')

5.Fetch the results

                for row in cursor:

6. Commit(), rollback()


8.Connection .closed()

           Working with SQL database:-

Pip Install  pyodbc

Establish the connection between Python and SQL Server using the pyodbc library 

For example:-

import pyodbc
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};'
 cursor = cnxn.cursor()
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM pyarungupta')
 for row in cursor:

Creating a table named pyarungupta

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[pyarungupta](
[id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[name] [nchar](10) NULL,
[Age] [nchar](10) NULL,
[city] [nchar](10) NULL

Insert Data To Database:-

And check the database, it will contain data which you have inserted.

Update In Database:-

And check the database, it will contain data which you have Updated.

Delete From the Database:-

Retrieve Data from the Database:-

We can retrieve data from the database by two ways.
  • Fetch one row at a time:- We call fetchone() method.

  • Fetch all rows: We call fetchall() method.

Tips & Tricks to write better python:-

1.Simplify if statement:-

Verify multiple values, we can do in the following manner.

The bad way
if m==1 or m==3 or m==5 or m==7:
The good way
if m in [1,3,5,7]:

2.Check the memory usage of an object:-
>>>import sys
3.Create a dictionary from two related sequences:-
>>>t1 = (1, 2, 3)
>>>t2 = (10, 20, 30)
>>>print(dict (zip(t1,t2)))

  {1: 10, 2: 20, 3: 30}

4.Transposing a Matrix:-

>>> mat = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
>>> zip(*mat)
[(1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6)]

5.Swap two numbers with one line of code:-

>>> a=7
>>> b=5
>>> b, a =a, b
>>> a
>>> b
6.Print "arunarunarunarun guptaguptaguptaguptagupta" without using loops:-

>>> print ("arun"*4+' '+"gupta"*5)

arunarunarunarun guptaguptaguptaguptagupta

7.Convert it to a single list without using any loops:-

a = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
Output:- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

>>> import itertools
>>> list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(a))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
8.Taking a string input:-
For example "1 2 3 4" and return [1, 2, 3, 4]
Remember list being returned has integers in it.
Don't use more than one line of code.
>>> result = map(lambda x:int(x) ,raw_input().split())
1 2 3 4
>>> result

[1, 2, 3, 4]


  1. Good article for python basics

  2. Very good article. It is very useful.

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  4. Nice documents

  5. thank you to all for watching this blog..
    please share your comment & suggestion!!

  6. Nice and knowledgeable article.

  7. Good one for python developers....begineer will learn python programming and prototype easily in 5 mins

  8. Thank you all for your valuable comments .

  9. Very Nice Effort sir these are amazingly good stuff from beginner to advance level.

  10. Thank you all for your valuable comments .

  11. Thanks for visiting our blog website.
